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Short x Long Term

Short-term seems to be funnier, you receive a reward fast, a lot of momentary rewards. But your brain gets addicted to it, you hardly feel pleasure when doing common and habits.

Long-term seems boring, repetitive, unpleasant, you do not receive reward fast, you don't seem to move at first.

Short-term constructions do not serve as a basis for other constructions, you rarely get to reuse what you've been given.

Long-term constructions serve as a basis for other constructions, everything is completed, you can create dogmas that will be used to seek other rewards.

When someone in the short term sees someone in the long term, they believe this life is boring and don't see the benefits.

Then everything that this person has built starts to come and it is unstoppable, more and more scale and more and more rewards are achieved in a much easier way.

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